Ancient Indian Robotics

An ancient book called Yoga Vasistha describes War Machines or Robots prepared by Sambarasura(well known to have mystic powers and could raise himself in the sky and fight from outer space)

They were three in number and were named as Dama, Vyala and Kata. Kata was like a modern tank protecting army. The word ‘Kat’ means to go, to cover. It could go and cover the army so the name. The name ‘Dama’ is derived from the root Dam which means to tame, subdue, conquer, restrain of course the enemy. ‘Vyala’ means vicious, fierce, cruel, savage like tiger or snake. Those three Robots were lifeless machines and therefore had no sentiments, no emotions, so they were never defeated.

They always won the wars against Adityas (gods). So Adityas played a trick to induce sentiments and emotions in them. They fought with the three Robots and ran away, many times,with defeat. This induced Ego in the Robots.Ego arises as the robots were thinking due to artificial intelligence.At the same time Adityas talked to them and told that because of their valor Sambarasura wins and enjoys his life at their cost.This added emotions and sentiments. They felt that they should also enjoy their lives.As the human sentiments arose, fear too propped up in them. Naturally they could not fight with the previous zeal and ere defeated by Adityas.

Modern day robots have Artificial intelligence embedded into them. So one day they might get Ego and then they may rebel against the mankind. It will be difficult to defeat them.They may conquer the mankind. In that situation man can play the same trick as played by the Gods. For future this past story is very useful. We may learn from the past history if we study the history with proper bearing.

इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

श्री कृष्ण के भांजे अभिमन्यु की कथा की पुष्टि

Shiv Tandav Stotra in Sanskrit-Hindi-English

ऋषि वाग्बट्ट के सूत्र (Health Sutras of rishi Bagbatt)